Acts of Restoration: Photographing Returned Cultural Objects for the Chumash Tribe

This was such an honor. I got to photograph a series of portraits of the Chumash Museum Board Directors holding cultural items that had been returned to them after years of being on displayed at other institutions. Items their ancestors made thousands of years ago were now being held in their hands. It was a beautiful moment of restoration that I got to witness. Can’t show the items/portraits here…but you might see them when the Museum opens.
Thanks to a great team, Ana Maria, Megan (thanks for the handling of all Museums Collections), Felicia and Chris Williams on lighting expert. Always good to work and visit with Museum Director James Bier, and Nick Gianis-Museum Operations Manager.

I always love coming to the Santa Inez Valley - such beauty…and I always stop by the Ocean on my way back to give thanks for the opportunity.